The Society of Publication Designers

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Corliss Elizabeth Williams

Corliss Elizabeth Williams

Current job: Strategic Creative Director of Marketing + Stylist, The Lowry Estate Premier Vintage+Resale Boutique, Farmington-Michigan

3 things you can’t live without: 1. My daughter Amelia (she’s six!) and our endless banter and making one another laugh so hard that we cry. 2. Coffee. 3. People who have always supported and encouraged me to keep my business going, and truly believe in me.

What’s your super power? I have more than one! I’m learning to master the art of responding, and not reacting. Not overpromising by taking on too much work. …and not being afraid to say “no” to things, and just ask for help when I need it! These super powers finally kicked in fairly recently, and they make my life and work a lot easier!

Favorite streaming TV show: No TV in the house…but just got back in to Netflix. Watched “Killer Sally” — I love crime shows.

What (or who) inspires you? Other smart like-minded small business owners. In todays fast paced environment, it is extremely important to follow brands that inspire you and stay on top of things. You will come to realize that you also evolve and inspire others with your fresh, original ideas through your work. It is by far one of the best ways of giving back to your industry.

Advice for young creatives? Listen to your elders.

What’s on your bucket list for 2023? I’ve always wanted a tattoo. Just have no idea of what. Maybe it’ll hit me in 2023!