Jana Meier-Roberts

jana Meier-Roberts

Current job: Design Director, Sports Illustrated Germany, Munich

3 things you can’t live without: My family, books, the outdoors

What’s your super power? Patience

Album you listen to while creating: Miss Anthropocene, Grimes

Favorite streaming TV show: Andor

What (or who) inspires you? Print magazines and books
Peter Mendelsund: https://www.petermendelsund.com/
Gail Bichler and her team: https://www.instagram.com/gailbichler/?hl=en

Advice for young creatives? When you’re thinking about where to apply for jobs consider more whom you will be working with than where you will be working. You can find lots of amazing talent outside of NYC, too. You should be looking to land somewhere where you will possibly find a mentor.

What’s on your bucket list for 2023? Take more time to step away from the screen and find inspiration offline, learn new things, and work on projects outside of my comfort zone