Katie Belloff

Katie Belloff

Current job: Art Director, The New York Times T Brand Studio

3 things you can’t live without: My Spotify playlists, my cat Kenny, and kettle corn

What’s your super power? Forgetting where I put all my Pilot Precise V7 pens 

Album you listen to while creating: 3 Cheers for Sweet Revenge by My Chemical Romance OR Historian by Lucy Dacus 

Favorite streaming TV show: Over the Garden Wall. I think I watched it 4 times this past fall. 

What (or who) inspires you? Matt Wiley, The New York Times Magazine, Retro advertisements, Risograph printing, Woodtype, old-school photo booth strips, and so much more! 

Advice for young creatives? Be patient with yourself. Everyone moves at their own pace throughout life and through their career. Don't let what your peers are doing make you feel like you're behind/failing. 

What’s on your bucket list for 2023? Finally take a solo trip to Ireland! (COVID and Airlines permitting)