Natalie Gialluca

Natalie Gialluca


Current job: Senior Visuals Editor, Vanity Fair

3 things you can’t live without: sleep, a tangible planner, camera

What’s your super power? Finding items in the house others deem missing 

Album you listen to while creating: When creating in the morning, I listen to Adele or John Legend. Come afternoon I change to Taylor Swift or Lizzo for some fun upbeat tunes to get me reenergized! 

Favorite streaming TV show: Favorite current shows are Succession & The Great British Bakeoff

What (or who) inspires you? Looking at old magazine issues

Advice for young creatives? Be kind to every single person in your crew and department.

What’s on your bucket list for 2023? Carried over from 2022's bucket list: To get on an airplane to go literally anywhere for an adult only vacation.