Carrie Mifsud

Carrie mifsud

Current job: Art Director, The New York Times

3 things you can’t live without: My family, My vinyl records, My sketchbook

What’s your super power? News content super-psychic abilities. I can take a video or interactive and tell it what its best life will be like as a print layout. The future is always bright and anything is possible.

Album you listen to while creating: It really depends on the project. Bowie is usually the answer if nothing else is.

Favorite streaming TV show: I love old movies. But if I watch TV, I waffle between trashy reality TV and true crime documentaries. No judgement plz.

What (or who) inspires you? Saul Bass. Milton Glaser. David Bowie. They all were true to themselves in their art. They loved their work and were loved for it. They were genuinely kind. They loved their families.

Advice for young creatives? Whatever you want to do, be the best at it. Then you can be anything, anywhere.

What’s on your bucket list for 2024? Ice skating at Bryant Park on my lunch break. Bringing my own skates, of course.